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Hold On to Truth

Hold On to Truth
Hold On to Truth
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Price: $11.99

Hold On to Truth is like a good friend holding your hand on your journey, helping you renew your mind with compassion and truth. This book is jam-packed with the love, grace, truth, and promises of God for believers in a way that helps them start triumphantly believing and receiving these promises so they can reign in life (Romans 5:17). Hold On to Truth, designed with questions for individual or group study, is the third book in Nichole's series. Her first book, Hold On to Hope, is her powerful story of physical, mental, and emotional healing, while Hold On to Love reveals the amazing love of our good Father. All three books will bring healing to your heart as you discover the truth throughout Scripture of how secure, loved, forgiven, and accepted you are in Christ.


The word that comes to mind after reading Hold On to Truth is encouragement. This book is packed with biblical truth that will establish your heart in God's love for you, your identity in Christ, the victory you have in Jesus, and the promises of God for you. Page by page, Nichole lays out precept upon precept, unveiling the truth that sets us free. As always, she opens her heart and shares her personal story of freedom with authenticity and openness that disarms and invites the reader to receive God's loving compassion. 

Tricia Gunn
Founder of Parresia TMinistries and author of I AM Free


While all books present information, not all contain the practical insights of application that are brought forth in Nichole Marbach'Hold On to Truth. This is the first book I have endorsed in which I recall writing notes as I was reading. Hold On to Truth doesn't only teach truth, but it provides practical steps of application to the truth taught, thus making it an invaluable resource for both individual and group study.


The information presented in this book is destined to serve the kingdom of God as an anchor for the believer's soul in the midst of the negative waves of a fallen world. It is my great privilege and honor to endorse Nichole Marbach'Hold On to Truth.


Chris Barhorst
Pastor of True Life Church iGreenville, Ohio


I absolutely love the format of this book! The questions after each chapter help you process these powerful truths to get them not only into your head but deep into your heart. Nichole's authenticity and gift of storytelling take her readers by the hand and gently lead them into a positive place of healing. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for hope and light to lead them out of a dark place. 


Jeremiah L Johnson

Jeremiah Johnson Ministries


Nichole writes from her truth in Hold On to TruthI believe you'll feel safely led to the place of true love and ultimate healing. God's love for you is without anger, criticism, or bondage. The darkness of the world gives us those thoughts. If you're in a place of darkness and fear, you may be overwhelmed by just opening the Bible, wondering where to begin and where you can find hope.


Nichole is a light in understanding the truth in God's Wordâ€"a testimony of God's love for you and what He says about you. In Hold On to Truth,Nichole shares her intimate walk with our sweet,heavenly Father and how through His Son, Jesus Christ, we're free from the bondage of deception. I believe this book will be a light for you, helping you to know that you too are loved, right where you stand. 


Julie Ann Buis

Speaker of Hope and Child Advocate


What a treasure this book is! Whenever life seems to throw you for a loop, the answer is always to hold on to the Truth of who God says you are and to believe what He says about you and your circumstances. Nichole's book, Hold On to Truthreminds us of that all the way through it! Nichole is passionate about helping people get free from the lies that hold them in bondage, and she shares personal examples of how the Truth of God's Word has helped her experience her own freedom. I believe that everyone who reads Hold On to Truth will grow in the understanding of who they are in Christ and operate in the power that Truth brings them. 


Christy Rose

International Speaker and Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ


Nichole has once again shared her journey in a way that brings the truth of freedom to those who are held captive in their minds. One of the greatest revelations a person can have is the love of our heavenly Father toward us through His Son, Jesus Christ. This book you hold in your hands is just that. It's loaded with our Father's promises that you can take to see a dramatic transformation take placeâ€"not only in your thinking, but ultimately in your life. The study questions at the end of each chapter make this a great book for a group study,or you can ask the Father to reveal His heart to you as you work through the questions on your own, spending quiet time with Him.  


Susan Alexander

Minister and Bible Teacher



5.0 out of 5 stars on Amazon Women's Ministry Leader - Use This Book in a Small Group!

Nichole's book is greatly needed among  the community of women. We tend to believe so many lies of the enemy without realizing it. This book shows you how to hold onto God because He is truth. Debunking the lies of the enemy will save you time and energy! She is a vessel that keeps on revealing the love of God for His people. Nichole's first book I received was a gift called Love Notes to My Beloved and it blessed my life! Every word came from the heart of the Father and Hold On to Truth is no different. The more I learn about God's love, the more free I become. We could all be more free so get a copy for you and a friend.




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