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Hold On to Love

Hold On to Love
Hold On to Love
SKU#: Available on Amazon
Price: $11.99

Hold On to Love won 3rd place in the Xulon Press 2019 Christian Author Awards under the category of Christian Living. 

Hold On to LOVE picks up where Hold On to HOPE Nichole's powerful true story of trauma, abuse, and addiction, leading to God's miraculous physical and emotional healing – left off. Through these pages, you'll grow in a deeper revelation of God's amazing love for you, and you'll better understand His good opinion of you, especially when you fail. God is always on your side, ready to help you and rescue you, and He's continually working out good in your life. He celebrates and cherishes you! Once you know this life-changing truth for yourself, you'll be transformed. 

Knowing that we're loved and accepted by a good Father is the most profound revelation we can ever experience, which leads to the greatest healing we'll ever know. If you're ready to see God as He truly is and receive this healing for yourself, walk with Nichole through Hold On to LOVE.


In Hold On to Love, Nichole presents the heart of the Father and His great love for mankind beautifully. Her testimony, honesty, and passion to see others set free shines throughout the book. I am always encouraged to see the scriptures presented with such clarity and simplicity. I believe this book will bless and encourage many hearts and lead them into a greater understanding of the absolute freedom and security in God, who loves us all unconditionally and without reservation or hidden agendas. 

Arthur Meintjes Founder, Kingdom Life Ministry


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