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Love Notes to My Beloved Devotional Paperback Book

Love Notes to My Beloved Devotional Paperback Book
Love Notes to My Beloved Devotional Paperback Book
SKU#: Available on Amazon
Price: $10.99

Love Notes to My Beloved is a series of love letters from God to you. In reading this book, you will feel as though the words are coming straight from the throne of God. This book is designed to give you an inspiring daily reminder of how much your Heavenly Father really loves you. You will begin to develop a deeper understanding of how God feels about you, His true, loving nature, who you are in Him, and all the potential He has placed in you!

Each daily love note includes daily declarations and Scriptures.

One Endorsement:

"Nichole Marbach's book, Love Notes to My Beloved, is a beautiful book full of mercy and grace...She reveals the Father's heart to the broken-hearted and releases a healing balm that can restore hope to the hopeless. I heartily recommend this book to women of all ages."

Joan Hunter -

One Amazon Review:

"It is hard to express how much his book has affected my life. When you suffer from never feeling loved and never truly believing that God loves you this book gives you His love everyday delivered in a beautiful letter stemming from His truths. I have healed from my past emotional and sexual abuse because of this book. Something that I was seeking for ten years. Allow God to free and love you. Buy and read this book! Thank you Nichole for being God's vessel and putting His love into love letters for us all! Thank you!"


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